Video y Letra de Eminem - "My Mom"...


Artista: Eminem (su nombre original y real es Marshall Bruce Mathers III)

Datos del artista: es un rapero, productor discográfico y actor estadounidense. Se hizo popular en 1999 con su álbum de estudio The Slim Shady LP, que ganó un premio Grammy por Mejor Álbum de Rap. Su siguiente álbum, The Marshall Mathers LP, se convirtió en el álbum más vendido de hip hop en la historia y el más rápido en los Estados Unidos.[2] [3] Eminem ganó una mayor popularidad, donde se destaca su propio sello discográfico Shady Records, y llevó a su grupo D12 a un reconocimiento general.

Álbum: Relapse

Datos del disco: Es el titulo del sexto álbum de estudio del rapero Eminem, el cual salió al mercado el 19 de mayo de 2009. Durante un tiempo tuvo algunos posibles nombres el disco dados por los artistas más cercanos a este, incluyendo King Mathers y The Empact, pero Eminem dijo que el titulo sería Relapse en un evento por Shade 45 el 15 de octubre de 2008. En tan sólo su primera semana de vida, vendió mas de 1 millón copias, alcanzando así las expectativas de lo que seria el triunfal y esperado regreso del rapero.

Origen del artista: Detroit, Míchigan, Estados Unidos

Video y Letra de Eminem - "My Mom"

Video y Letra de Eminem - "My Mom"

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah...
Okay! Alright!
Yo, Yo.
Yo! Yo!
I'm a lay the chorus first
Here we go now!

My mom loved Valium and lots of drugs.
That's why I am like I am cause I'm like her.
Because my mom loved Valium and lots of drugs.
That's why I'm on what I'm on cause I'm my mom.

"My mom, my mom" --I know you're probably
tired of hearing 'bout my mom oh-ho whoa-oh,
but this is just a story of when I was just a shorty
and how I became hooked on Va-al-iu-um.
Valium was in everything: food that I ate,
the water that I drank, fuckin' peas on my plate.
She sprinkled just enough of it to season my steak
so everyday I'd have at least three stomach aches.
Now tell me what kinda mother would wanna see her
son grow up to be an under-a-fucking-chiever?
My teacher didn't think I was gonna be nothin', either:
"What the fuck you sticking gum up under the fucking seat for?"
"Mrs. Mathers, your son has been huffin' ether.
Either that or the motherfuckers been puffin' reefer."
But all of this huffin' and puffin' wasn't what it was, either.
It was neither. I was buzzin', but it wasn't what she thought.
Pee in a tea cup? Bitch, you ain't my keeper. I'm sleepin';
What the fuck you keep on fuckin' with me for?
Slut, you need to leave me the fuck alone; I ain't playing.
Go find you a white crayon and color a fucking zebra.

My mom loved Valium and lots of drugs.
That's why I am like I am cause I'm like her.
Because my mom loved Valium and lots of drugs.
That's why I'm on what I'm on cause I'm my mom.

Wait a minute! This ain't dinner, this is paint thinner!
"You ate it yesterday; I ain't hear no complaints, did I?"
"Now here's a plate full of pain killers.
Now just wait 'til I crush the Valium and put it in your potatoes.
Ya little motherfucker i'll make ya sit there and make
that retarded fuckin' face without even tastin' it!"
"You better lick the fuckin', plate; you ain't wastin' it.
Put your face in it before I throw you in the basement again!
And I ain't givin' in. You're gonna' just sit there in one fuckin' place finnickin'
till next Thanksgiving, and if you still ain't finished it,
I'll use the same shit again, then when I make spinach dip, it'll be placed in the shit!
You little shit, wanna' sit there and play innocent?
A rat fell and hit me in K-Mart, and they witnessed it!
Child support? Your father, he ain't sent the shit!
and so what if he did? It's none of your dang business, kid!"

My mom, there's no one else quite like my mom.
I know I should let bygones be bygones,
but she's the reason why I am high on what I'm high on

becuz my mom loved Valium and lots of drugs.
That's why I am like I am cause I'm like her.
Because my mom loved Valium and lots of drugs.
That's why I'm on what I'm on cause I'm my mom.

My mom loved Valium. Now, what I am is a party animal.
I am what I am, but I'm strong to the finish wit' me Valium spinach.
But my bars only last about two minutes!
But I don't want to swallow it without chewin' it.
I can't even write a rhyme without you in it, my Valium, my Val-i-um. Oh!

Man, I never thought that I could ever be a drug addict.
naw, fuck that, I can't have it happen to me!" but that's actually
what has ended up happenin' in a tragedy fuckin' past end it up catchin' me
And that's probably where I got acquainted with the taste, ain't it?
Pharmaceuticals are the bomb, Ma! Beautiful!
She killed the fuckin' dog with the medicine she done fed it.
Feed it a fuckin' aspirin and say that it has a headache.
"Here, want a snack? You hungry, you fuckin' brat?
Look at that! It's a Xanax! Take it and take a nap! Eat it!"
But I don't need it!
"Well fuck it, then break it up!
Take a little piece and beat it before you wake Nathan up!"
Alright, Ma, you win! I don't feel like arguin'!
I'll do it pop it and gobble it and start wobblin',
stumble, hobble, tumble, slip, trip, then I fall in bed
with a bottle of meds and a Heath Ledger bobble head!

My mom loved Valium and lots of drugs.
That's why I am like I am cause I'm like her.
Because my mom loved Valium and lots of drugs.
That's why I'm on what I'm on cause I'm my mom.

My mom, I'm just like her!

My mom, my mom, my mom (x3)
My mom, my mama
[in an Eric Cartman voice:] My mama, I ain't takin' this no more.

Heh, sorry mom! I sill love you, though! [kiss sound]

Dr. Dre 2010!

[in a mocking tone:] Man this shit is hella' hard, homie! Man, take us on outta' here...
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