Video y la Letra de Country Boy – Aaron Lewis

Ahora te presentamos el Video y la Letra de “Country Boy” – Aaron Lewis

Aquí te presentamos la letra de la canción “Country Boy” – Aaron Lewis

Letra de la Canción: “Country Boy” – Aaron Lewis

Well I grew up down an old dirt road
In a town you wouldn’t know
My pop’s picked a place up for fifteen hundred bucks
Back in 1964
My grandfather was a drinker
Back in the day we put him down
But war is known to change a man
And whiskey’s known to change a man

That’s not me
I really drink from the bottle but I smoke a little weed
I still live in the sticks where you wouldn’t go
In a town of twelve hundred off an old dirt road
And a country boy is all I’ll ever be

Its been twelve years since I sold my soul
To the devil in L.A.
He said sign your name here on the dotted line
And your songs they all will play
He set up shop on sunset
He put me up on marque
He said you want to sell a million records boy
You better listen to me
He said change your style
While in your smile you can lose a couple pounds
And if you want to live this life
You better lose that wife
Don’t even need your friends around

And I said that’s not me
The biggest things in life is your friends and family
And I like my jeans and my old t-shirt
A couple extra pounds never really hurt
Because a country boy is all I’ll ever be
And Hank taught me how to stay alive
You’ll never catch me out the house without my .9 or .45
I got a big orange tracker and a diesel truck
My idea of heaven is chasing wild tail bucks
And as a country boy I know I can survive

Now two flags fly above my land
That really sum up how I feel
One’s the colors that fly high and proud
The red, the white, the blue
The other one’s got a rattlesnake with a simple statement made
“Don’t tread on me” is what is says and I’ll take that to my grave

Because this is me
Proud to be American and strong in my beliefs
And I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again
Because I never need a government to hold my hand
And I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again
Because my family’s always fought and died to save this land
And a country boy is all I’ll ever be
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