Video y la Letra de Don’t Cry Your Heart Out – Cody Simpson

Ahora te presentamos el Video y la Letra de “Don’t Cry Your Heart Out” – Cody Simpson

Aquí te presentamos la letra de la canción “Don’t Cry Your Heart Out” – Cody Simpson

Letra de la Canción: “Don’t Cry Your Heart Out” – Cody Simpson

Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do (x2)

I’m back to put the sunshine in your mind
Cause I don’t like the way
He’s got you raining all the time
Put away your troubles
By leaving him behind
So every time you look up
Clear blue sky

But here he comes again
Like a cloud in your
Blocking all of your light
Like only he could do
Don’t listen to his sorries
Drop him,drop him

He really needs stop it
Cause I’m your only topic
Now with me you’ll never end
Up in the same Silly situations
Don’t you know that if you were
To walk that I’ll be here waiting

Girl don’t you cry your heart out
Let me stop before you star out
Don’t need his explanations
No cause he don’t really wanna
Know , about
Tha way you feelin’ now
Cause I’m the one whos
here for you no doubt
so don’t you cry your heart out

Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do (x2)

Baby girl i would never tell you lies
No crocodile tears no messing with your mind
We could talk forever
Past the end of time
I promise you a love that’ll never
Make you blind

But when I’m here with you not
A could in you view
Nothing blacking you on the light
Not like he used to do
Don’t listen to his sorries
Drop him,drop him

He really needs stop it
Cause I’m your only topic
Now with me you’ll never end
Up in the same Silly situations
Don’t you know that if you were
To walk that I’ll be here waiting

Girl don’t you cry your heart out
Let me stop before you star out
Don’t need his explanations
No cause he don’t really wanna
Know , about
Tha way you feelin’ now
Cause I’m the one whos
here for you no doubt
so don’t you cry your heart out

cry, cry, cry
it’s time for him to
cause you’ve already cried enougth to
put out the fires
he left behing, yeah!
Why, Why, Why
Everything he ever did has come back on him
Look at us now
Didn’t I tell you
So it’s his turn

Girl don’t you cry your heart out
Let me stop before you star out
Don’t need his explanations
No cause he don’t really wanna
Know , about
Tha way you feelin’ now
Cause I’m the one whos
here for you no doubt
so don’t you cry your heart out (x2)

Girl don’t you cry your heart out
Cause I’m the one whos here for you no doubt
so don’t you cry your heart out
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