Video y la Letra de Gone and Never Coming Back – Melanie Fiona

Ahora te presentamos el Video y la Letra de “Gone and Never Coming Back” – Melanie Fiona

Aquí te presentamos la letra de la canción “Gone and Never Coming Back” – Melanie Fiona

Letra de la Canción: “Gone and Never Coming Back” – Melanie Fiona

I thought that memories never die
Just feel your hair with white
baby you call up and lie again
said that only ever said
is that you love me to tell
but baby its wrong again
and I was wrong again


Cause it makes me too easier
Easy like that
I wasn’t enough
To walk on like that
Did you hear me crying
Cause I need you back
Cause I’m slowing dyeing

Cause I need you back
Gone and never coming back
Gone and not coming back
Hes never coming back

Did you know that our kiss god-bye
The sadness of my life

.. I wish that you said or lie to me instead
.. like a fool Ive been said
Its all in the end
Whole again

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