Video y la Letra de Heroes – X Factor Finalists

Ahora te presentamos el Video y la Letra de “Heroes” – X Factor Finalists

Aquí te presentamos la letra de la canción “Heroes” – X Factor Finalists

Letra de la Canción: “Heroes” – X Factor Finalists

I, I will be king
And you, you will be queen
Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be Heroes, just for one day
We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes

I, I wish you could swim
Like the dolphins, like dolphins can swim
Though nothing,
Nothing could keep us together
Oh we can be Heroes,
Just for one day

We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes

I, I can remember (I remember)
Standing, by the wall (by the wall)
And the guns shot above our heads (over our heads)
We could be Heroes,
Just for one day

We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes

Just for one day
We could be Heroes
We could be Heroes
Just for one day
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