Video y la Letra de Limit To Your Love – James Blake

Ahora te presentamos el Video y la Letra de “Limit To Your Love” – James Blake

Aquí te presentamos la letra de la canción “Limit To Your Love” – James Blake

Letra de la Canción: “Limit To Your Love” – James Blake

There’s a limit to your love
Like a waterfall in slow motion
Like a map with no ocean
There’s a limit to your love
Your love, your love, your love

There’s a limit to you care
So carelessly there, is it truth or dare
There’s a limit to your care
There’s a limit to your love
Like a waterfall in slow motion
Like a map with no ocean
There’s a limit to your love
Your love, your love, your love

There’s a limit to you care
So carelessly there, is it truth or dare
There’s a limit to your care
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