Video y la Letra de Not a Love Song – Wonderland (Video Oficial)

Ahora te presentamos el Video y la Letra de “Not a Love Song” – Wonderland (Video Oficial)

Aquí te presentamos la letra de la canción “Not a Love Song” – Wonderland

Letra de la Canción: “Not a Love Song” – Wonderland

No I don’t wanna get it right
I don’t wanna think about the way I feel tomorrow tonight
Words only complicate my head
Really wanna use your mouth why don’t you kiss me instead?

Let’s make it easy
Just make it easy

(All – Lead Sharon)
If you’re gonna write a love song
I don’t wanna hear one
Save it for someone who likes it like that
And if you are looking for a girlfriend
You can start your search when
You’re watching me walk away
I won’t come back
I wanna hear you say my name
But not over over over over over over again

Time I don’t wanna waste your time
I’m just stating all the facts tryna keep you on my one track mind.

Lets make it easy
Come on I wanna release me

(All – Lead Sharon)
Cause If you’re gonna write a love song
I don’t wanna hear one
Save it for someone who likes it like that
And if you are looking for a girlfriend
You can start your search when
You’re watching me walk away
I won’t come back
I wanna hear you say my name
But not over over over over over over again

Don’t write me a love song
Don’t write me a love song

You wouldn’t be the first to think it’s gonna last

(Don’t fall to deep)

‘Cause it’s a long way back

(All – Lead Sharon)
If you’re gonna write a love song
I don’t wanna hear one
Save it for someone who likes it like that
And if you are looking for a girlfriend
You can start your search when
You’re watching me walk away
I won’t come back
I wanna hear you say my name
But not over and over and over and over and over and over again

Don’t write me a love song
Don’t write me a loved song
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