Video y la Letra de One – Jay Ko ft. Anya (Video Oficial)

Ahora te presentamos el Video y la Letra de “One” – Jay Ko ft. Anya (Video Oficial)

Aquí te presentamos la letra de la canción “One” – Jay Ko ft. Anya

Letra de la Canción: “One” – Jay Ko ft. Anya


I know it’s getting dark
You say you’re gonna go
I’m checking my time
I feel so alone
Something in my heart tells me I’m right
Just another minute baby, you’ll be by my side

I know it’s getting dark
You say you’re gonna go
I’m checking my time
I feel so alone
Something in my heart tells me I’m right
Just another minute baby, you’ll be by my side

One, baby don’t you know I’m still awaiting you
Two, there’s no reason why I shouldn’t be with you

One, baby don’t you know I’m still awaiting you
Two, there’s no reason why I shouldn’t be with you


I wanna give you all my love
I wanna be with you all night long
I wanna give you all my love
Just to be with you, just be with you

One, baby don’t you know I’m still awaiting you
Two, there’s no reason why I shouldn’t be with you

One, baby don’t you know I’m still awaiting you
Two, there’s no reason why I shouldn’t be with you


I know when I will see you
I know I’m gonna cry
You’ll wash away my tears with your smile
I know when I will see you
No matter what you say
I know you’re gonna make, make my day

I know when I will see you
I know I’m gonna cry
You’ll wash away my tears with your smile
I know when I will see you
No matter what you say
I know you’re gonna make, make my day

One, baby don’t you know I’m still awaiting you
Two, there’s no reason why I shouldn’t be with you

One, baby don’t you know I’m still awaiting you
Two, there’s no reason why I shouldn’t be wïth you
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