Video y la Letra de Wonderful Christmas Time – Paul McCartney

Ahora te presentamos el Video y la Letra de “Wonderful Christmas Time” – Paul McCartney

Aquí te presentamos la letra de la canción “Wonderful Christmas Time” – Paul McCartney

Letra de la Canción: “Wonderful Christmas Time” – Paul McCartney

The mood is right, the spirit’s up,
We’re here tonight and that’s enough.
Simply having a wonderful Christmastime,
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time.

The party’s on, the feeling’s here,
That only comes this time of year.
Simply having a wonderful Christmastime,
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time.

Love choir of children sing their song.

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding,
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo, doo.

We’re simply having a wonderful Christmastime,
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time.

Love choir of children sing their song.
They’ve practiced all year long.

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong,
Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong.

The party’s on, the spirit’s up,
We’re here tonight and that’s enough.
Oo-oo, simply having a wonderful Christmastime,
We’re simply having a wonderful Christmas time.

Oh yeah.

(A wonderful Christmastime)

The mood is right, the spirit’s up,
We’re here tonight and that’s enough.
We’re simply having a wonderful Christmastime,
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time,
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time.

Oh, oh, oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh,
For Christmastime, Christmastime.
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